Bredbandskollen is an independent consumer tool that helps you as a broadband customer to test and evaluate your internet connection in a simple way, on both stationary and mobile devices.
Measurements in Bredbandskollen are made by sending messages of meaningless data between the web browser and the measurement server via web sockets (protocol ws://). The speed is then calculated by the amount of sent data divided with the number of seconds the measurement takes place. The measurement lasts 20 seconds (10 seconds uplink test and 10 seconds downlink test). If you encounter a temporary problem when the measurement is ongoing, your speed may actually be higher than what is shown with Bredbandskollen.
The measurement in Sweden is done with the geographically closest national internet exchange point run by Netnod. There is a total of four of these exchanges with two servers each: in Sundsvall, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Bredbandskollen also works in Norway and Denmark, as we have a measuring server in Oslo and one in Malmö.
You can choose to use a different measuring server than the one Bredbandskollen selected for you, you do this in the menu Advanced measurement.
Measuring – is your connection adequate, good or bad?
When you use Bredbandskollen, you receive an assessment of whether your connection is good, adequate or bad in relation to what the provider has promised. For a result to be adequate, it must be over the lowest limit specified in your plan. A good result will be around 80-85% of the stated maximum limit.
Bredbandskollen over IPv6
Do you have access to IPv6? You can reach the Bredbandskollen IPv6 version by accessing the Advanced measurement menu.
Have you discovered a problem with Bredbandskollen?
Please contact us via If you discover a problem with your connection, even though you received a good measurement with Bredbandskollen, it is important that you contact your operator.

Bredbandskollen’s apps for iOS and Android
With the Bredbandskollen app, you can measure the connection on your smartphone. You can also see anonymous measurements that have been done in your area. The app measures the same way as the web browser version by Bredbandskollen, through sending data packets between the app and a measurement server. The app can be downloaded to Iphone and Android.
There are many functions in the apps that are not in the web version, which are described below. There is also information about storing location information in the apps, and about data usage during measurement on the phone.
Comparing measurements
By clicking the bar graph in the top left corner, you can compare the measurements you have made. You can also tag them with, for example, Living room or Bedroom, if you want to see how your connection differs in different parts of your home.
Your ten latest measurements are shown under the menu choice History. With help of the buttons at the top of the menu, you can choose to show your measurements (History), changes in measurements with your operator (My operator) or all operators’ measurements in your area (all operators). The listed results are within 50 km from your location and are sorted so that you see the closest measurements first.
There is a point system in the app. Those who perform many measurements and contribute to improving the coverage map also get a chance to land on the top list in their town, or in all of Sweden. Each measurement you perform over the mobile network (not Wi-Fi) gives points in this way:
- All who measure receive five base points.
- If there are few previous measurements in your area, you get higher points.
- If you have your phone’s GPS on, the points will be higher the better the accuracy.
- Enter a location during the measurement to get extra points.
Storage of information
If you allow the app to use your location, your position will be stored in the database. The accuracy of the position may vary between a few meters and a few hundred meters. If you do not want your location stored, you can choose to not allow this in the settings on your phone. You can then continue to do the measurement on the app, but you will not be able to see other measurements near you.
Data consumption
If you have a stable connection, the measurement itself consumes half as many megabytes as surveyed measurement in Mbit/s. If your result is 20 Mbit/s, about 10 megabytes have been consumed – if the connection is a little unstable, the consumption in the example may be the entire value per second, that is around 20 megabytes.